Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Perspective View

Freehand - went back to basic guys. this sketches shows rough sketches b4 convert to 3d (hopefully will be nicer). As u can see i use 'hanger' its because of its really help me went i want to get straight lines (heheheheh...urgency tool really helps a lot).

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Box by Box

Seeing is Different - Stopping by a traffic light. seeing a banner hanging at lamp post. While waiting green light, memorizing installed inside medula oblogata near right side of my brain. heheh. The next day hang out with big timer, chatting and slurping teh tarik & kopi o tarik at mamak stall (fav place) artline 0.4 played the games. Got various by brainstorming and throw out crazy the ideas. Seem like when it can be true....time will tell. Its not only that. Work hard and work smart, some of the ingredient of success. (",)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Conteng Menunggu

Conteng - sambil lepak ngan kengkawan kat restoran mamak. amik artline 0.4, amik tissue kat kaunter, sambil tgk tv. ape lagi tangan dok gatal conteng ar. Telinga pun dgr gak ape derang sembangkan. Asal boleh je contengan nih. Nak concentrate sgt pun ape yg derang sembang pun tak kusyuk. hehehe sory guys. (".)

Semasa Service Kereta

Kelisa Sevice - time to service my little car. While waiting mechanic doing his job, me waiting at lounge area. seeing and look around fully with car spare part and awesome accersories. heheh not really in this sketches hehe..lots of cars wating. Making lots of money ah taukeh!!..heheh. wish my dream car come that i can drive it...(",)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Aites Twin Enterprise Corporate Logo Design

Thanks to Bro Eady..(",)

Corporate Image - requested by own client who just setup his new company. He wanted me to create new brand identity, name card and added office stationery. Aites Twin the name of this particular company that running multiple services. The first stage that i do is to get client information by doing some research.

Next by doing mind map (basic stage to get ideas) i do some thumbnail sketches to get various of ideas before it finalize with proper setup. For this sketches i use alphabet (A&T) .


Color Scheme


Aites Twin applied into Letterhead & Name Card

Friday, August 14, 2009

TV intepretation

TV Interpretation - while watching tv. switching different channel try to absorb as many as possible subject into line works. Yet still not very fast to catch them all. Some shown direct interpretation and some just a fast sketches. Divided by groups even some of them not really exact. Really fun and enjoy playing with artline 0.2 and my sketch book, turning around, moving around, sit back and relax becoming insomnia! it!!!.....(",)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chat by transelation

chat + translation = (",) - this piece of paper drawn while a bunch of big players hang out & chill. with artline 0.4 sitting position in front of the table sitting beside another visitor chair with another visitor, left handed do some lineworks. hearing them sound like a big opportunities ahead planning and discus, brain keep try & trying what the *&^% are they talking about. as long as the artline play his role keeping the stroke flown with the melody. Keep it detail, but really detail huh! as many talks also the translation keeps running. the result are infinity imagination....nice..(",)

Perspective View Manual Sketches

tracing paper - freehand sketches line works without technical tools. shivering left handed seem like too long haven't practice. taken from magz just for fun. looks like the hand wanted to reach artline do some nostalgic memories. a bit hard to push even tracing from magz. hish!

Just Sketches

freetime lineworks - to fill in boredom. what to see is what imagine. expression & impression. more or less is a soul through finger do the talk. anything or everything comes into a piece of paper & pen. sometime its come & go. disappear but nothing to lose. empty space now fill with a lot of ideas.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Oblique Modular Sketches

RektroCaMenO - yang nih time aku ade seminar kat PERSADA Johor. dok time boring dengar ceramah mata aku dok mandang ceiling. cam biasa kononnye nak tiru skali jadi mende lain. focus point pun terabur. but its look interesting with diferent angle. kalu bleh jadi real material yg bleh pakai kayu atau metal plat. kasi timbul (emboss) itu surface effect. ish kalu ar ada mase nak buat sculpture kan best...(",)

Motive Sketches

Ki-Wa-Hua - yang nih sebenarnye cam motif tatoo aku tgk kat tv cite LA Ink. motif graphic yg artis tu guna utk customer dia nak yg cam tatoo Hawaii. tapi aku adjust ar ikut suke aku. skali bleh jadi cam mind map la plak. asal bole je aku!.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Perspective View Manual Sketches

Inner sketches - conteng time boring kat opis member aku kat tmn universiti. tak de mende nak buat. dok mandang je design book atas meja kononnye nak tiru ar, skali jadi mende lain. conteng ikut suke ati. layankan je tangan nih. asal yang terlintas dlm pala teruskan je.

Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Malaysia Status Companies

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

wat u c is wat u get

what u c...what u get... - yeah! latest & hot!. tgh dok lepak kat warung sambil minum air sorg dua gelas. penat gile kemaskan bebarang kat opis. tgh lelepak kat sane ade lebih kurang 3-4jam coz nak jmpe somebody for discussion cam biasa "bang! tisu lebih!" bukan roti tisu arrr. skali dia bagi nah! satu bekas ade ar 10 keping. heheh cam marah je. hehehe capai ball pen kali nih bukan .2 tapi pinjam kat geng yg bawak notebook utk catitan. layankan aje. sesambil sembang mata aku dok tala ar mane mende yg aku tengok. sebole mungkin kononnye nak tiru ar sejibik, bisa ar nak disycronizekan otak ke tangan nih masih lagi tak perfect lagi. ade ar saraf neuron otak aku sangkut kat memane tu. tapi bole ar diterjemahkan walaupun tak sama tapi serupe ar jugak. asal ada nampak bentuk jadi ar. jadinye pic cam blur nih pasal tak dapek ar nak scan. scanner kene cabut pasal pindah barang punya pasal, so aku pakai digicam la plak. kene plak time dh malam. mmg ar jadi cam tu. hantam saje ar labu!. ape yang korang nak intepretasikan imej tuh ikut ar pasal kuality tak dikawal mutunya. then sambung kat tempat lain plak. hurm....ade lagi tuh tangan aku wat kije...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Attending Seminar

Awareness Seminar yg tak aware - time nih mase kat hotel M Suite JB. ade seminar 2 hari kat sana cite pasal IKS kat Malaysia. aku ngan 2 lagi member aku pegi ar sane buat muke blur ngan tak kenal langsung dan tak tau ape tujuan sebnarnye. yg tau makan free je. heheheh. time register baru dibagitau ade dua ari seminar. pasal awalnye member aku sorang ar punye pasal tetiba ajak gi yg disuruh oleh mentornya utk berjumpe ngan somebody kat sana. aku ngan member aku sorang lagi just pegi utk temankan dia jek sambil tuh leh dapat makan free. anyway dah alang pegi member aku sorang tuh pegi ar jumpe ngan somebody tu tadi. yg aku dok kat meja sambil dengar ceramah IKS dok layan ghapla jingga ngan pen cenderamata yg siap dipakejkan dalam beg. dok layan gak sambil dengar celoteh sambil layan tangan dok lukih.. layan...

Sketches Teaser

Sketches yg aku buat mase ngan tempat yg aku tak ingat. mase nih some sketches utk office space planning yg dibincangkan dengan partner aku (1a &1b). sket mende2 yg kitorang nak susun dengan harapan within the limited budget. utk yg (1c) tuh actually mase lepak kat shah alam sec 7 restoran hakim baru. pagi tuh tgh preparekan some idea presentation utk conceptualize office ngan show room utk one of konsortium kat rawang. just rough idea utk floor pattern ngan wall finishes. dah maleh sgt ngak proper board sampling, aku tarok je ngan freehand sketches. atas tissue paper pun jadi ar. asal idea aku tak ilang nanti bile nak present. tapi bile belek balik, ntah mende je dok conteng2 cam budak2. ape yg korang nak intrepetasikan, ikut suke korang ar....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pen + Tissue = Ideas

+ =
Untuk pertama kalinye aku nak luahkan ekspresi aku dalam medium yang berlainan. Selain kertas banyak sudah aku curahkan idea dan dakwat pen termasuk jugak beberapa batang pensel yg panjang dikontotkan semata mata untuk dapatkan ilham. Bermula dengan detik ini, aku berazam utk mencurahkan segalanya ke dalam tissue. Lepak kat mamak, ade ar tiga empat gelas air di togak. Sesambil tuh gak air meleleh basahkan meja."Mamak..kasi tisue" siap tunjuk mulut goyang tangan lagi tuh takut mamak tu ingat nak order roti tisu. Dah nak kene bayar plak, bukannye aku order pun roti tisu. Sembang rancak tak ingat ade ar tiga empat jam. Banyak topik cite member2 nih, pala otak aku dok pikir ngan visualisekan ape bende yang derang sembangkan. Aku cedok pen artline 0.2 dalam kocek seluarthen aku dok tenyeh tisu yg basah dek kene air lelehan teh ais kurang manis yg aku order tadi. Tak cukup ngan yg basah, mintak lagi tisu lain. Free oooo!! Tengok ar aper topik yg disembangkan. Klu kene ngan design, design ar jadinya. Kalau cite pasal bisness, point2 ar jadinye. Kalau cite merapu, merapu ar contengannye. Sememangnya tak gheti aku nak berkata kata atau bertyping, takat short typo pun kira ok gaks. Selalunya tisu buat lap mulut atau lap meja, aku memang buat tu sume cuma ada lebeh sket aku buat ngan tisu tuh. Sketches. Ntah nape tak tau, cuma tiap tempat yg aku gi sekalau boleh aku cube curahkan kat tisu paper. Tangan aku ni ar dok gatal nak sketching.